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RSVP Sat Sept 23 Meet: Medaka Japanese Rice Fish

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  • RSVP Sat Sept 23 Meet: Medaka Japanese Rice Fish

    Where: St. Gregory's Episcopal Church
    6201 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA
    When: Saturday, September 23rd 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

    "For the September meeting, we have a special guest San Diego. Mingcong Bai from the San Diego Tropical Fish Society will be sharing about his experiences with the very popular nano fish - Medaka Rice Fish.

    We will have our usual auction and raffle to help raise funds for the club. If you have things you can donate to the raffle, we greatly appreciate it. Doing so will also get you some free raffle tickets.
    Please plan to arrive between 12:30-1pm, especially if you have auction items to drop off. If you arrive before 12:30, please do not enter the building as the folks using the room before us have complained to the landlord that we're pushing them out prematurely.
    Viewing of the auction items will be open until we start club business. We will start the club announcements and presentation promptly at 1:30pm and close off the auction area at that time to reduce noise.

    There is no cost to participate and our meetings are open to the public. We will likely offer Zoom for the announcements and presentation for folks that cannot make it in-person.

    If you plan to participate in the auction (to buy or sell) you MUST be registered on that site:

    Zoom Link:

    As announced at the last two meetings, we have a very special event planned in conjunction with our annual October Meeting at CK Fish World. YouTube star King of DIY, Joey, will be in town as a special guest and he and Marc (TMK Aquarist) will be providing a quick presentation and a scape-off. As such, the day will start a bit earlier than usual, at 10am, with our SCAPE auction and club activities expected to commence around 11am. More details to come!

    Thank you!​"
    -John Kim, President

    RSVP HERE:​ (Need Facebook account)